What We’ve Waited For

It’s the most anticipated match up in the NBA playoffs. It’s what we’ve waited for. It’s Boston versus Miami.

It may not be a Celtics-Lakers rivalry just yet, but this clash of the superstars is well on the way. During the course of the year, the Celtics and Heat have engaged in a truly heated affair. With every meeting, the competition gets hotter. And hotter and hotter…

Now, the showdown of the season is set. Tomorrow is the start of the end for one team. Who will it be?

There is no doubt that this will be a long, hard-fought battle…ending in a win for the team that can outlast the other…physically and mentally. Judging by the first round and their previous meetings, that team is the Celtics.

Experience is the name of the game, and the Celtics certainly have that over Miami. Every game will be close and intense, coming down to the final minutes of the fourth quarter. That’s where Boston has the real edge…

Given Miami’s dismal track record of closing out close games, the Celtics must capitalize on that. Putting the ball in the right hands (Ray Allen’s and Paul Pierce’s) should put them ahead.

Emotions will run high. Tempers will flare. Fans will scream. The real playoffs are about to start, and the battle has begun. It’s what we’ve waited for. Let’s enjoy the show.

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